jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Gladiator Screenplay Thingy

After Maximus Decimus Meridas has left the arena, Commodus goes on the colosseum and make a kind of sign at 2 Advisers saying they have to enter with Commodus.
Inside, Commodus starts walking around.

(The camera shows Commodus thinking what to say)

COMMODUS: That bastard of Maximus humilliated me in front of everybody, and I was forced to let him live, and I didn't like it at all! I'm the emperor, and I would make Maximus to respect civilized people, not slaves starved.

(The camera focus on the 2 Advisers seeing each other)

ADVISER 1: I'm agree with you sir, now the thing is HOW we do it. Does someone have an idea?

ADVISER 2: I propose by planning a trap. ( With a evil smile) First we order our soldiers to call Maximus and order him in your name to come and see you in the main living. Then, when he arrive, there will be you standing with a mortal sword and slice his legs and start torturing him.

(The camera focus on Commodus)

COMMODUS: Great idea soldier. I love the idea of "torture" so he suffer the same as me. He will be so sorry! HAHAHA!

(The camera shows all 3 laughing loudly. Then the camera focus on Commodus)


(In the scene you can hear the voices of the Advisers)

ADVISERS: Well sir, mean while we will locate Maximus Decimus Meridas. HAPPY?!

(The Advisers get out of the room, Commodus stays alone)

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