jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Gladiator Screenplay Thingy

After Maximus Decimus Meridas has left the arena, Commodus goes on the colosseum and make a kind of sign at 2 Advisers saying they have to enter with Commodus.
Inside, Commodus starts walking around.

(The camera shows Commodus thinking what to say)

COMMODUS: That bastard of Maximus humilliated me in front of everybody, and I was forced to let him live, and I didn't like it at all! I'm the emperor, and I would make Maximus to respect civilized people, not slaves starved.

(The camera focus on the 2 Advisers seeing each other)

ADVISER 1: I'm agree with you sir, now the thing is HOW we do it. Does someone have an idea?

ADVISER 2: I propose by planning a trap. ( With a evil smile) First we order our soldiers to call Maximus and order him in your name to come and see you in the main living. Then, when he arrive, there will be you standing with a mortal sword and slice his legs and start torturing him.

(The camera focus on Commodus)

COMMODUS: Great idea soldier. I love the idea of "torture" so he suffer the same as me. He will be so sorry! HAHAHA!

(The camera shows all 3 laughing loudly. Then the camera focus on Commodus)


(In the scene you can hear the voices of the Advisers)

ADVISERS: Well sir, mean while we will locate Maximus Decimus Meridas. HAPPY?!

(The Advisers get out of the room, Commodus stays alone)

Bloody Sunday Summary

Bloody Sunday prosecution charges 'unlikely'

The British government apologised for the army's actions after the publication of the report which took 12 years to complete. The report concluded that none of the victims were armed, that soldiers gave no warnings before opening fire and that the shootings were a "catastrophe" for Northern Ireland. 

None of the witnesses were granted blanket immunity from prosecution. However all witnesses were immune from prosecutions on the grounds of self incrimination. This meant that the evidence given by a witness could not be used against them in any future legal proceedings.  Northern Ireland's Public Prosecution Service said it was considering whether to prosecute anyone, adding this decision would be taken "as expeditiously as possible" although it gave no date.

"The Director of Public Prosecutions, together with the Chief Constable, will consider the report to determine the nature and extent of any police enquiries and investigations required to enable informed decisions to be taken¨. Some legal experts, however, said wriggle room remains for prosecutions and, more likely, civil lawsuits against retired soldiers, particularly as some of the them were found to have lied to the Saville Inquiry.

When Mr Pollard, the lawyer representing British soldiers, was asked whether the report paved the way for the soldiers involved in Bloody Sunday to face criminal charges, he said: "No, it doesn't." "He cherry picked the evidence," the lawyer said, referring to Lord Saville.Meanwhile the head of the British army, General David Richards, backed the apology by the British Prime Minister David Cameron."The report leaves me in no doubt that serious mistakes and failings by officers and soldiers on that terrible day led to the deaths of 13 civilians who did nothing that could have justified their shooting".
The inquiry was originally budgeted to cost £11m and report findings were expected by 2002.The final bill was estimated at nearly 200 million pounds - making it the longest and most expensive inquiry in British legal history.

Steve Jobs Activity


Geek: A bright young man turned inward, poorly socialized, who felt so little kinship with his own planet that he routinely traveled to the ones invented by his favorite authors, who thought of that secret, dreamy place his computer took him to as cyberspace, a place more real than his own life, a land he could conquer, not a drab teenager's room in his parents' house

Tribute: A gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration.

Reverberate: To resound in a succesion of echoes

Visionary: Having the nature of fantasies or dreams.

Glimpse: A brief, incomplete view or look.

Misfit: A person not suited in behavior or attitude to a particular environment, something that does not fit or fits badly.

Prototype: An original, full scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product.

True or false:

1) True

2) True

3) False 

4) True


1) October 5, 2011.
2) Pancreatic cancer, Respiratory arrest
3 It was shocking for some people because he was really famous, 
4)  Videos, books and some things he made like iPads, iPhones
5) That everything that surrounds you was made up by people who are no smarter than you., and you can change it, influence it and you can build your own things.
6) In San Francisco.
7) They did electronic projects together.
8)  Fernandez.
9) An Electronic's kit, it mimicked telephone router codes to make free calls around the world.
10)  They met in a meeting of the home group computer club at Palo Alto.
11)  It attracted even more people and it was sold out , it was auctioned.
12) He was a referee in a minor diference of opinion between both Steve's.
13)  It was important for the aesthetics in his products.
14) He went to India and studied Buddhism.
15) He was looking to understand the nature of all thngs.
16) The company of Xerox
17) An underarm deodorant ball and a butterdish

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

Bloody Sunday activity

Meaning of words:

Prosecute: To initiate civil or criminal court action against.To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action.

Prospect:  Something expected; a possibility.

Flee: To run away from danger, to run away from ( a place)

Cherry picking: Choosing to do the easiest task out of a group of tasks when giving the chance.

Set in train: To start a process.

Devolution: A transfer of powers from a central government to local units.

Aftermath: A period of time following a disastrous event.

I think Bloody Sunday is a day ( Sunday ) in which happened a success realated to war or a kind of killing people thing.

Answer Questions:

1) David Cameron's opinion ¨The Bloody Sunday killing were unjustified and unjustifiable¨

2) Because this case is one of the most important in all United Kingdom and the the people still wants to know the reason and details of it.

3) They don't have enough evidence to take such decision to prosecute them,

4) They think that the soldiers who where involved in the killing of the victims should be in jail.

Rationale of Letter of Protest

Short and sweet… 
Paragraph 1: what were you trying to do (tone, purpose, audience to reach?) 
Paragraph 2: How did you try to do that…give examples from your piece. 
Paragraph 3: How did you connect to your topic? 

Example– I wrote a protest letter about the victims of Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland. It was written with an serious tone and hopes to address the Prime Minister. In my letter,  I tried to present my point of  view  with phrase like “It can't be possible” and “I protest against”. I tried as well to use a sophisticated level of vocabulary with word choices like “I speak in name of all of us"and “In your authority of Prime Minister” finally I tried to use complex structures like one might see in a higher level publication such as The New York Times with sentences like “Now all the families are suffering” and “they all deserves minimum a life imprisonment ”. Using these elements I feel I reached my purpose set out in the task. This task addresses the topic “Taking a Stand”  and specially addresses the topic of the abuse of power. I think  a letter of protest helped me to  best express what I learned from the topics we studied in this unit and how I feel about them

E-petitions activity

A need of larger breaks in school
Responsible: The Mackay School
We should have larger breaks so we have enough time to eat our snacks and we could rest our body and mind from too many lessons, and they should regularize our schedule so we can have the same ammount of time for classes and break. If they agree to do it,we should respectfully happy and be more efficient at tests and at the time of study, our brains will rest.
Also, in break the time pass much faster that in class. Additionaly, sometimes we want to go to the kiosko to buy some tasty food but the row is too large and we spend all the break by waiting our turns. In fact, in some cases because of that we get late to our classes and the teachers don let us to eat in class so or we throw our snacks to the trash or we put them away on the school bag.

Technology Story Activity

We were at school by Saturday because we had to stay at detention, boring. I stayed with 2 friends, Park and Oyarce. As it is said in the detention paper, we had to come with the uniform N°1. We arrived at 9 am so tired and I was very thirsty because I didn't drank nothing for breakfast. So before going to the class I went to the drinking machine so I could buy a coke and I asked Jungi to come with me. I took out $1000 bill from my pocket and I entered it to the machine and pressed the coke button, wich costed $600. I took the coke but the machine didn't gave me the change. I started to press the change button but nothing happened. I was very mad while Jungi was laughing. So I realized the machine swallowed my change, so I started to walk up the stairs with Park to the class where Carlitos was waiting for us and Mr. Marcelo too. Well, at the end of the day I didn't drank nothing because every moment I saw the coke I remembered the stupid machine, so bad.

(N° of words: 192)