jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Steve Jobs Activity


Geek: A bright young man turned inward, poorly socialized, who felt so little kinship with his own planet that he routinely traveled to the ones invented by his favorite authors, who thought of that secret, dreamy place his computer took him to as cyberspace, a place more real than his own life, a land he could conquer, not a drab teenager's room in his parents' house

Tribute: A gift, payment, declaration, or other acknowledgment of gratitude, respect, or admiration.

Reverberate: To resound in a succesion of echoes

Visionary: Having the nature of fantasies or dreams.

Glimpse: A brief, incomplete view or look.

Misfit: A person not suited in behavior or attitude to a particular environment, something that does not fit or fits badly.

Prototype: An original, full scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product.

True or false:

1) True

2) True

3) False 

4) True


1) October 5, 2011.
2) Pancreatic cancer, Respiratory arrest
3 It was shocking for some people because he was really famous, 
4)  Videos, books and some things he made like iPads, iPhones
5) That everything that surrounds you was made up by people who are no smarter than you., and you can change it, influence it and you can build your own things.
6) In San Francisco.
7) They did electronic projects together.
8)  Fernandez.
9) An Electronic's kit, it mimicked telephone router codes to make free calls around the world.
10)  They met in a meeting of the home group computer club at Palo Alto.
11)  It attracted even more people and it was sold out , it was auctioned.
12) He was a referee in a minor diference of opinion between both Steve's.
13)  It was important for the aesthetics in his products.
14) He went to India and studied Buddhism.
15) He was looking to understand the nature of all thngs.
16) The company of Xerox
17) An underarm deodorant ball and a butterdish

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